Discover if You Can Get Health Coverage Now
You can get or change health coverage for the rest of the year if you qualify for:
Certain life events, such as losing health coverage (including Medicaid or CHIP), moving, getting married, having a baby, or adopting a child, may qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period to enroll in or change Marketplace health plans outside the annual Open Enrollment Period (November 1 – January 15). Visit to find out more.
If you’ve recently lost, or will soon lose, your Medicaid or CHIP coverage due to increased income or other eligibility changes, you may qualify to enroll in a Marketplace plan through a Special Enrollment Period.
Medicaid: Individuals, families, and children with specific income levels may qualify for Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or health insurance through the Marketplace. If you meet the income requirements, you can apply at any time.
Check Before you Apply
Get an idea if you may qualify to get or change health coverage. Answer a few questions before you apply.